This website provides the most comprehensive collection of CISG materials to be found on the internet, including an annotated article by article version of the CISG, the preparatory materials, an up to date bibliography with more than 8,000 citations, more than 1,000 articles in full text, and the most up to date collection of reported case law with more than 3,000 cases, most translated into English.
This website provides the most up to date collection of CISG cases and materials currently available. The full text of most decisions are available in the original language and sometimes in translation.
This is the official website of the Unkited Nations Commission on International Trade Law. It contains a collection of various UNCITRAL instruments, their preparatory materials, up to date status reports and a useful collection of case law.
This is the official website of The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit, an independent intergovernmental Organisation with its seat in the Villa Aldobrandini in Rome. Its purpose is to study needs and methods for modernising, harmonising and co-ordinating private and in particular commercial law as between States and groups of States. It has three main databases: Unilaw, the Uniform Law Review and Unilex.
UNILEX is an intelligent database of international case law and bibliography on CISG and on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts two of the most important international instruments for the regulation of international commercial transactions.
This is the official website of the WTO, an organistion formed by international conventions and aimed at for liberalizing trade, a forum for governments to negotiate trade agreements and to settle trade disputes. It operates a system of trade rules. The website contains full text versions of teh various conventions making the WTO like GATT, GATS, TRIPS and related agreements.
This is the official website of the International Chamber of Commerce, an organisation which is the voice of world business championing the global economy as a force for economic growth, job creation and prosperity. The site contains information on international trade instruments such as the Incoterms and the Uniform Customs and Procedures for Documentary Credits (no acess to the full texts which are copyright protected)
This website shows in part (A) a side by side comparative presentation of the CISG in ten economically important languages and in part (B) the compilation of 39 texts of the CISG (Status: July 1, 2011), i.e. the six authentic texts as well as 32 official and two unofficial translations.